Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Too much advice can make your life sooooo confusing.   I have come to the conclusion that too much advice can really slow things down.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not an advocate of "Full speed ahead... damn the torpedoes!". But I do know that many of our clients, after they have listed their house for sale, or after they have engaged the services of a Realtor to buy a house tend to want to talk about it. And why not? Let's face it.  It's exciting! It's stressful!  It's difficult!  It's all that.  So what happens?  They go to a BarBQue and their friend says, "Hey. I hear you're selling your house."  Then it starts.  They get all this unsolicited advice.  "Mu agent did this..."  "You should do this..."  "Oh your house should be way more than that..."  "Make sure your agent does..." 

I'm hoping by this time you have placed your trust in your Realtors hands. You met with your Realtor and you got the sense that they knew what they were doing.  You got the sense that there was a plan.  You understood the approach.  You just wanted your agent to use the resource he or she had and get the job done.  Now, you were able to go on with the rest of your life.

Of course the majority of the advice you seem to be getting is well intended.  From someone who cares about you. Someone who is interested in your well being.  But, to the point?  Your Realtor does this sort of thing day in and day out.  In fact he or she has probably seen situations very similar to yours on several occasions.  Most of them have gone through extensive training to get to where they are today.  And they have an army of support in their office.

And quite frankly real estate agents are wired to serve.  It's what they want to do.  They want to make a successful result out of this.  More than anything in the world.

So, what am I driving at? 

T   R   U   S   T

Trust your agent to take the lead on your real estate needs.  He or she will use their infinite wisdom and experience, coupled with all their resources, to steer you in the right direction.

Don't let your neighbor who sold his house 20 years ago, or the person who was watching that real estate show last night on TV, or that well intended uncle who had a brother in law who was married to a woman who was the secretary in a real estate office... ten years ago, confuse you.  Keep the lines of communication open with your Realtor and follow their advice.  You'll go to a closing!

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